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Monthly Review September 2020

The month of September was 1.8 degrees above the 1961-1990 climate reference periodtoo warm.The sum of all individual measurements of precipitation in September reached inCoswig 47.9 mm. The monthly total thus corresponded to 104% of the normal value forSeptember. We can thus a month with an almost the long-term meanregister the corresponding amount of precipitation. Despite the heavy rainfallSeptember the exceptional drought in the overall soil* in the Meissen-Coswig-Radebeul further on.A significant plus of 81 hours was calculated for sunshine, with which thethis year's September with 226 hours as the second sunniest after theSeptember 2006 proved.Weather conditions: Established under the predominant influence of high pressure (Indian summer).with far above-average sunshine duration, the dryness in the topsoil increases to25 cm depth in the first three weeks of the month partly again. Just the totalIt is thanks to the rather wet previous month of August that the upper layer of soil was stillretained a certain proportion of its moisture content for a long time. On the part of the weatherthe month showed up with lots of sunshine until 25.9. very dry - firstextensive continuous rain in connection with the rain low XYLA, which in a widearc from Austria through Poland across Germany westward, ended thelonger dry period. The total rain recorded in Coswig was 39.4mm on September 25th and 26th. made the previously negative monthly balance againmake up for the precarious situation in the deeper layers of soil in our regionhowever, in no way weakened or even ended.Remarks:- Only precipitation is measured in the Coswig intercultural garden.The above information on air temperature and sunshine duration therefore referto the Dresden-Klotzsche station of the German Weather Service.- The term "entire soil" means the root-through area up to approx. 1.8 mDepth.- “Extraordinary Drought” is the severest drought level possible. The situation isstill so extraordinary that researchers are talking about the worst drought sincespeaking in 1766.


Source : Drought monitor from the Environmental Research Center Halle/Leipzig

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