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Fig.1: Temperature profile in May 2021 at the DWD station in Garsebach near Meissen


Author: Wilfried Küchler

Monthly Review May 2021

The month of May was much too cold compared to the reference period 1961-1990. With
However, with a monthly average of 11.7 °C, it was only the 11th coldest May we have had since
1961 (-1.8 degrees deviation). For example, May 2010 was even colder at 11.2 °C
and May 1991, at just 9.85 °C, turned out to be the coldest May in Dresden-Klotzsche since

The flow configuration in the middle troposphere over the Atlantic-European
room showed a very unusual constellation for the month of May. That's how it went
Frontal zone on a very far south course and thus covered the Mediterranean Sea. Such a
southerly position of the west wind band is not often found even in winter and has it
not given in May in recent years. Certain with only a few interruptions
to the north of this, "stalled" trough weather conditions with unstable and cold weather throughout May
Air masses the weather (local showers and thunderstorms) here in Saxony.
190 hours of sunshine were registered, compared to a weak minus of 8 hours
the official reference period 1961-1990. On the other hand, if you compare it with the immediate
past and also 30-year period 1991-2020, you get a lot
clearer minus of -32 hours. This indirectly expresses the fact that the
Length of sunshine in May - as well as in the other months of the year - in recent times
overall has increased significantly.

The sum of all individual precipitation measurements reached 63.9 mm in May in Coswig.
The monthly total thus corresponded to 107% of the normal value for this month. we
registered a slight in terms of the total amount of precipitation that fell
above-average third spring month. So it turned out to be spring 2021
due to the very dry April overall as too dry. Because of the low
temperatures in April and May, the topsoil mostly remained sufficiently moist.
The extraordinary drought of the whole soil (due to the still strong
dried out deeper soil layers) remains unchanged.

Note: Comparisons of May rainfall in Saxony (Saxony 94.8 mm) and specifically with
the region around Meissen (Garsebach 87.8 mm) show that the area Coswig-Radebeul
has been disadvantaged in terms of total precipitation in May. Coincidence and above all
orographic or terrain influences played a role and had the main effect
a weakening of the approaching rainy areas and thunderstorms. Based on the echoes of
By the way, Klotzscher precipitation radars were able to show these partly surprising
Observe effects promptly.

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