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Monthly Review April 2022

The spring month of April presented itself in our region with an average temperature of
7.8 °C as 0.2 degrees too cold compared to the climate reference period 1961-1990.
The sun shone for a total of 173 hours. This corresponds to a plus of 27 hours. At 13th.
April greeted us again, as in March, the Sahara with its dust and clouded over it
The atmosphere.

The sum of all individual measurements of precipitation reached 29.1 mm in Coswig in April.
The monthly total thus corresponded to 61% of the reference value for this month. we
thus again registered a fairly dry spring month. The previous
The annual precipitation balance for 2022 is now minus 8 mm.
The greater Halle-Leipzig area and our Meissen-Coswig-Radebeul area proved to be
April as the driest regions in Germany. Especially the south and west got
much more rain than the east of Germany. Föhn effects played here
Harz, Thuringian Forest and Ore Mountains play a not insignificant role.

weather conditions:

During the month of April, unusual air pressure patterns sometimes appeared in the 500hPa
level, such as four-patterns with the blocking high above Fennoscandia and three
pronounced low-pressure centers to the west, south-west and south of it (Fig.1). About that
weather conditions characterized by high air pressure over northern Europe and low air pressure
our weather patterns over southern Europe (“high-over-low”).
View to India:
India and Pakistan have experienced an unusually early heatwave since early March (strongest in over 100 years). Air temperatures reached almost 50 °C as early as April. Incidentally, unprecedented extreme heat waves are increasing worldwide due to climate change. Enormous crop failures are now also threatening in India, which, in the context of the consequences of the war regarding Ukrainian grain deliveries, will further exacerbate the global food problem.


Fig.1: High altitude weather map for 500 hPa from April 21, 2022: Four-pattern with a blocking
High above Fennoscandia and three distinct low-pressure centers to the west, south-west and south
of which (Image source: Berlin weather map / FU Berlin).

Author: Wilfried Küchler

​Author: Taslima Sayed

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